Hello from Dr. Heidi

A new year full of promise.

Image of couple ice skating for New Year promise

The quiet, icy landscape can be enchanting this time of year. I try to get outside on gorgeous crisp days, but if I can’t, that’s okay. Instead of always doing, I give myself permission to just be. Wrapped in a soft blanket, I take time to consider what’s really important to me and how I can live more fully in the coming year. 

I invite you to do the same. Here are some essential questions to get you started:

How do you want to feel this year? Perhaps you’d like to be more rested. Or become a little stronger.

What have you been overlooking? If you have nagging pain, don’t just tough it out. If you’re a caregiver, think about if you have enough support. 

How can you take care of your future self? This issue is full of ideas for doing just that. Because by staying vibrant in body and mind, we’re better able to enjoy the precious days to come.

Give your immunity a boost 

If you haven’t gotten your COVID-19 booster — your second or third shot, depending on your initial vaccine — now is a great time