High Calcium

Healthier Black-Eyed Peas

February is American Heart Month and Black History Month—honor both by making a heart-healthy version of a traditional African American dish. These black-eyed peas are high in fiber, calcium, and vitamins A, K, and C. Don’t forget to pair with our healthy sautéed collard greens.

Bloomin’ Cinnamon Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! This healthy treat provides plenty of B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and fiber. One apple also has a day's worth of manganese, which is an essential trace mineral involved in blood sugar regulation and bone formation—and it's a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant!

Niçoise Salad

This easy, quick yet filling tuna Niçoise salad is a delicious French classic that’s perfect for a light midweek meal